国际教育并不轻松 我们会给自己压力天行一中托福100+选手专访
来源:搜狐 发表于2019-10-16 14:13:10 编辑:莫小烟
摘要: 原标题: 国际教育并不轻松 我们会给自己压力 天行一中托福100+选手专访 通过之前12期的天行学子系列文章,我们很容易发现,天行一中是一个人才济济的

  原标题: 国际教育并不轻松 我们会给自己压力 ——天行一中托福100+选手专访




  In Teensen international School, there are many excellent children in our class. In this year's first Chinese and American class, there is such a child who got 101 scores in the first battle of TOEFL examination, her name is Alice. Today, let’s go into her world together.




  People who don't know Alice always feel that she is an introverted child with her own inner world. But when I was teaching Chinese, I found that she was a delicate and thoughtful girl. From this deep conversation, I affirmed my idea more. She has a clear schedule and goal for her own future, "I want to go to Amherst College in the United States, which is the goal I set before I entered Teensen. This school is the second-highest liberal arts college in the United States, although few people know it. It is a relatively low-key school, but I like its academic atmosphere and learning environment very much.” I'm surprised to hear that, because there are not many children who have thought and planned about their future since junior high school. She is a very special person. "I like the teaching mode of liberal arts and Sciences College very much, especially small class teaching. It pays attention to all-round quality education and is suitable for concentrating on learning.


  Alice regards learning as a happy thing. She doesn't feel any pressure, but enjoys it in the face of heavy study. As Michael, who teaches TOEFL in Chinese and American classes, said, "It's unexpected for Alice to get such a high score.She has always been a very popular person.She works very efficiently, has a clear plan for her study, as well as a clear orientation and goal.I appreciate her very much."




  It's said that reading and writing can't fail at all. It's important to find the right learning method. Alice said that she was very happy about her TOEFL score this time. "Although the score is over 100, it's not very high. I'll continue to work hard next time and try to reach 110 points."


  The TOEFL requirement of Amherst College in the United States is 100 points. Now she has reached it.


  Speaking of the secret of learning English in general, she told us: "English cannot be regarded as simply memorize vocabularies, we must combine listening, speaking and reading, just like the process of learning Chinese from an early age. Compared with other students, I pay more attention to the cultivation of spoken language and listening. If I listen more, I will be able to read and remember naturally. I saw some of my classmates memorized the words painfully and forgot them very quickly, so that the efficiency is low. No matter whatever we study, the most important thing is to find a suitable learning method.


  Alice enjoys participating in many interesting activities, like book exhibitions, musical instrument exhibitions and so on. "I will learn all the different ways of speeches of foreigners and take the initiative to talk with them after the event. In this way, I can subtly improve my spoken English."




  "When I was in my elementary school, I found that the traditional way of learning is not suitable for me, too rigid. After discussing with my parents, I decided to accept education in the way of home school." Learning in the home school environment, Alice's language expression ability did not deteriorate, but made her personality very prominent. She really achieved the combination of work and leisure. She read books carefully while reading, and had fun when playing. "Self study at home, I study more time than at school, and I am also very efficient. I will know how to collect effective information better than other students."


  She did not wear out other natures because of her study. Like other girls, she also likedmusic、photography and all quiet things. She got Grade 8 for Piano and Grade 9 for calligraphy.



  What's more, Alice's special growth experience fully demonstrates the success of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. And this is also the educational idea that Teensen adheres to, devotes itself to let each student find the direction that they like and suit, and respects each student's personality development.




  Alice felt happier in the collective life, "better than a person to stay, and students are very happy. "Be at ease with circumstances" is my favorite four words, but also has a great impact on me. I hope that wherever I go, I can persist in doing my own things, not to lose my original intention, not to mention that I can not do what I want to do because the environment has changed. In Teensen's two months of study and life, Alice has adapted very well to the new environment. "I like every teacher here. They are very responsible and have a very harmonious relationship with students, teachers and friends."


  ▲课后Alice 与老师 office tim


  Many people have a misunderstanding about international education: they think that international schools are chosen to avoid exam-oriented education, but Alice laughs and says, "In fact, studying in international schools is not as easy as I imagined. We have to learn to put pressure on ourselves, and when we have pressure, we can turn it into power, right?


  Yes, this girl who got 101 scores in the first battle of TOEFL exam, her success was not an accident, but a result of persistence and hard work all the time. In Teensen international School, there are many excellent children who shine here and work hard for their dream of entering the world-famous universities. At the same time, Teensen has always provided students with a better education and teaching environment, and trained students ‘all-round development. Hoping that evert student can be the brightest star.

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